
006 @Rhett_The_Heeler on Deaf Dog Deaf Owner
Pat Watson Pat Watson

006 @Rhett_The_Heeler on Deaf Dog Deaf Owner

Today K9Philosophy interviews Karlie from the account @Rhett_The_Heeler, on being a deaf owner with a deaf dog. Yes, we did a “Podcast Audio Recording” because Karlie does have very good practiced speech, and a cochlear implant, so we were able to speak through the entire interview but for those interested, you can see us using American Sign Language on the video recording of our interview.

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005 Surprising Things I Learned
Pat Watson Pat Watson

005 Surprising Things I Learned

Diving into the professional world of dog training provided me with a few surprising moments of insight. Enjoy our episode today on the surprising things I’ve discovered in my k9 training journey.

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004 @RW_Higgins on Living With 12 Dogs
Pat Watson Pat Watson

004 @RW_Higgins on Living With 12 Dogs

Today, @RW_Higgins of Instagram joins us to discuss living with 12 dogs, off grid living, learning to give dogs group commands, and what the daily routine is with that many k9’s in one home.

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003 Leash vs Lead Concepts
Pat Watson Pat Watson

003 Leash vs Lead Concepts

What’s the difference between a “leash” and a “lead”? One of them is designed to tether two things together, the other is a communication tool that is used to get the absolute most out of your dog. Enjoy today’s episode :)

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002 The “Leave it” Command
Pat Watson Pat Watson

002 The “Leave it” Command

The first command you should teach to your dog, the “Leave it” command. If, as we believe here at K9Philosophy, that obedience isn’t “obedience” unless done while distractions are present, then this command must be considered paramount since this command takes a distraction and immediately turns it into a non-distraction. :)

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